Friday, May 29, 2009

Selling Timeshare In Mexico During Swine-Flue And Recession - What Are The Options?

If you're reading this, you are probably a timeshare-sales rep in Mexico. So am I. If your situation is anywhere similar to mine, you have either just been laid off. Temporarily suspended. Taken a voluntary vacation. Or you are a good boy, girl, and you still go to this cold hard place - the temple of your choice. That's awesome.

This article is being written from Bucerias, near Puerto Vallarta. As I write this I am wondering why it is this hot this early in the year. Why are the beaches so deserted? Why am I sitting at home? Will it really take until December for things to get better? Why is everyone buying into the swine-flue anyway? (what a "scam"!)

Has the world become completely insane now?

What happened to our bubble?

Why has everything turned against us?

We are the courageous ones. We left our respective countries, we moved to a better world. We were rewarded for our guts, our ability to leave it all behind, to seek a better life, to make some decisions. Yes, we made good money, didn't we?

It's frightening. One of my colleagues just had to sell her car. About 50 people got laid off on the track that I am - currently just officially - working for. How are you doing?

I hope you are doing well.

It has been estimated, that most airfares to Mexico have been slashed in half right now. The tours that are down here right now, are a vacation ownership sales-person's nightmare.

Thank God, I don't care.

by: Mark Tetzner

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